We always enjoy your sports thoughts and history. Your political thoughts, not so much. Why, you might ask? Well, you can be mean. Just give me the facts and let me decide if “mean” is appropriate. I don’t even tell my wife how to vote. I generally tell her who I support and why. Then I let her decide. I would recommend that for your writing also. You have made some good points, but they are not always the full story. Even the people I do not like, can not stand, are really stupid and undeserving of political office, frequently have made a few sound points. Tell the whole story, not just your story. Thanks. John
We always enjoy your sports thoughts and history. Your political thoughts, not so much. Why, you might ask? Well, you can be mean. Just give me the facts and let me decide if “mean” is appropriate. I don’t even tell my wife how to vote. I generally tell her who I support and why. Then I let her decide. I would recommend that for your writing also. You have made some good points, but they are not always the full story. Even the people I do not like, can not stand, are really stupid and undeserving of political office, frequently have made a few sound points. Tell the whole story, not just your story. Thanks. John
See what I can do
“Devil’s in the details” hehe, Clay. But I’d pay for a cup of coffee to read you anytime!