I’ll race to the end. If you think there is some truth in the idea that the past is prologue, read the Wikipedia pages of Gentner and Ryan. The disparity is dramatic.
This race is anything but a lesser-of-two-evils choice.
Flop parties if you must. Elect Drummond. He knows what’s right.
I legitimately like Drummond a lot, but he remains an outlier in his party, and I would love for this to quit being a one-party super-majority state. I will vote for him in the primary, knowing getting him to the general means he has like 95 percent shot to become our next governor. But that doesn't mean I still don't believe in a more liberal brand of politics and policies than Drummond represents. I thought the world of John McCain, too, but I still voted against him. Drummond, thankfully, is a solid Republican candidate. I wish they all were.
Ryan is so wrong in so many ways. Consider his vision for a flourishing Oklahoma. Look wherever will, you will find a foundation of repression, not based properly upon criminal behavior, but
Great article, Clay! And if you're avoiding writing about OU's mens basketball, so much the better. A three and four guard offense without a one of them either a playmaker or a ballhandler. Watching that Texas debacle last night made me want to wretch. Between fears and miles they must have had 12 turnovers and then throw in several for each of the other players. Moore is a great talent, but I'm seriously concerned about his hot-headedness. It doesn't take much at all for him to lose his cool and start talking trash. fears has to be moved to shooting guard and get the ball out of his hands. All in all, this appears to be just another in the string of poorly coached OU teams under moser. I guess the only thing for them to accomplish is to find at least one SEC team they can defeat. After the terrible football season, basketball appears to cement the onus on OU as a second rate sports power. castiglione has to go along with his two HCs.
I've been thinking the same. Even though it makes me nauseous to think of an R next to my name, Walters has proven himself to be utterly unqualified to hold any office. I can't trust Oklahomans to pick the better, more qualified candidate, because they rarely ever do. And honestly, the thought of not seeing his face or hearing his hateful rhetoric anymore makes the temporary switch totally worth it.
Ryan Wah Wah .... Oklahoma voters ... has anyone noticed that our education performance hasn't changed at all since Wah Wah was elected? Oklahoma is STILL vying with Mississippi and Louisiana for that coveted #50 spot in education! NEWSFLASH: when your the very worst at something, it is pretty easy to move up in the rankings with just a little effort ......and yet here we are still at the bottom.... hire this clown 🤡 to run the state !!????
What other categories could we be worst at?? We'll find out if we elect bozo as our governor.
I’ll race to the end. If you think there is some truth in the idea that the past is prologue, read the Wikipedia pages of Gentner and Ryan. The disparity is dramatic.
This race is anything but a lesser-of-two-evils choice.
Flop parties if you must. Elect Drummond. He knows what’s right.
I don't think it's a lesser of two evils.
I legitimately like Drummond a lot, but he remains an outlier in his party, and I would love for this to quit being a one-party super-majority state. I will vote for him in the primary, knowing getting him to the general means he has like 95 percent shot to become our next governor. But that doesn't mean I still don't believe in a more liberal brand of politics and policies than Drummond represents. I thought the world of John McCain, too, but I still voted against him. Drummond, thankfully, is a solid Republican candidate. I wish they all were.
Ryan is so wrong in so many ways. Consider his vision for a flourishing Oklahoma. Look wherever will, you will find a foundation of repression, not based properly upon criminal behavior, but
Great article, Clay! And if you're avoiding writing about OU's mens basketball, so much the better. A three and four guard offense without a one of them either a playmaker or a ballhandler. Watching that Texas debacle last night made me want to wretch. Between fears and miles they must have had 12 turnovers and then throw in several for each of the other players. Moore is a great talent, but I'm seriously concerned about his hot-headedness. It doesn't take much at all for him to lose his cool and start talking trash. fears has to be moved to shooting guard and get the ball out of his hands. All in all, this appears to be just another in the string of poorly coached OU teams under moser. I guess the only thing for them to accomplish is to find at least one SEC team they can defeat. After the terrible football season, basketball appears to cement the onus on OU as a second rate sports power. castiglione has to go along with his two HCs.
I've been thinking the same. Even though it makes me nauseous to think of an R next to my name, Walters has proven himself to be utterly unqualified to hold any office. I can't trust Oklahomans to pick the better, more qualified candidate, because they rarely ever do. And honestly, the thought of not seeing his face or hearing his hateful rhetoric anymore makes the temporary switch totally worth it.
Ryan Wah Wah .... Oklahoma voters ... has anyone noticed that our education performance hasn't changed at all since Wah Wah was elected? Oklahoma is STILL vying with Mississippi and Louisiana for that coveted #50 spot in education! NEWSFLASH: when your the very worst at something, it is pretty easy to move up in the rankings with just a little effort ......and yet here we are still at the bottom.... hire this clown 🤡 to run the state !!????
What other categories could we be worst at?? We'll find out if we elect bozo as our governor.
No way this idiot get elected. Great article
Hope you're right, Don!