One more thing Joe, while I have your attention…. ESPN+ is a joke and a waste of money. It does not work. It DOES NOT WORK! To shuts off, its hard to program, you can’t record, you can’t pause, and it is difficult to get OU information. Get out of that contract. It just sux. John

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If OU’s QB has to throw bullets on every throw inside 20 yards, he won’t make it. He does not seem to have a touch except on the long ball. When guys are “open”, you don’t have to throw bullets. Just accurately pass the ball. Stoops was open all night and easy throws would have made a ton of yards. Relax Gabriel. The only thing worse than OU’s passing, was the Oklahoma sportsmanship. Not the team, the Athletic Department. The PA system needs some serious adult supervision. If we need a loud PA system to disrupt our opponents, I guess the fans can stay home, unneeded. And the light show? Completely unneeded, a waste of money, and offensive to teams trying to communicate with their coaches. Leave the lights ON, and turn down the volume. I go to football games to watch football. I do not need to be entertained by the scoreboard or the PA system, for four hours straight. Give it a rest Joe. Lets play football on Owen field, not Saturday Night Live. John

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Agreed. I attended my first Sooner game not from the press box in more than 25 years on Saturday. I found the host/hype guy distracting, dumb and silly. You want authentic energy, not fabricated energy in the stadium. You want the PA guy to do the regular PA things, not drone on and yell "Boomer," nor over-dramatize the third downs OU's defense kept giving up. I actually have a theory the PA guy, envious of the space given to the host/hype guy and Chris Plank, who narrates the highlights of other games from inside the stadium surrounded by cheerleaders, felt left out and therefore to give his two cents, too. It's unfortunate Sooners fans have a long history tailgating for hours, entering the stadium and taking in the game without being particularly engaged in the game, but they do and they're probably not changing. The effort to get them involved in faux ways only brings more attention to the lack of engagement. Better to just trust them to make the noise when the team REALLY needs it. Might have to do a whole column on it at some point.

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I am asked each week what I think about my game experience. I truly believe it is a waste of time to respond. I have made my thoughts known for years. No change for the better. Football will be a better experience from home on my passable TV. And if we are not on a receivable channel, then we are not good enough to watch. The blinking stadium lights during the period between 3rd and 4th quarters was just really stupid. The lights flashing and the sound up high… how does Joe Castiglione expect any player to hear any coach… either team. Just stupid. And I’ll bet expensive. Do you think the Board of Regents approved that expenditure? Unsportsmanlike conduct from the Dean of the Athletic Department. I just do not think that process was well thought out. But then we have been acting like asses on the PA system for years. So, who knows.

My comments are a collection of thoughts from more than a dozen OU Alumni. It’s from a lot of people 55 and up. But then we are just the people with the money. That support will dwindle in due time. I’m sure the wife and i will be gone sooner, rather than later. Maybe not the “sooner”OU needs.

One more University of Oklahoma thought: OU is so “into” diversity, inclusion, and brown noseing that they are hiring incompetent people at six figures to run programs that the University President should be running. Payday someday….


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You are being kind in your analysis... This game was putrid from the opening kick off and ran down the Sooners throat for 6...I think 4th game the other team scored on their first drive... Kst showed a good team will make you pay...Kst not a great team, but have they show that OU is not as good as we thought they might be. A Lotta games left to show one way or the other....OU beat themselves more than Kst did.... But man Martinez had heck if a game...Soones made him look good...Very lack luster performance...BOOMER SOONER

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You are being kind in your analysis... This game was putrid from the opening kick off and ran down the Sooners throat for 6...I think 4th game the other team scored on their first drive... Kst showed a good team will make you pay...Kst not a great team, but have they show that OU is not as good as we thought they might be. A Lotta games left to show one way or the other....OU beat themselves more than Kst did.... But man Martinez had heck if a game...Soones made him look good...Very lack luster performance...BOOMER SOONER

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