Crazy ass politicians (Walters) and corrupt ones (Stitt) and dolts (the entire Republican Party save a very few (McBride for one) get elected because the people of OK, particularly in the rural areas, could give a rat’s ass about politics. All you have to do is LIE, tell them what they want to hear, then go to OKC with their hidden agendas and continue to screw the state up (Standridge, prime example). How much better is OK since the cult party took over in ‘06? Answer? Worse, FAR WORSE! Example? OK is THE ONLY STATE to not report COVID deaths. Why? Because Stitt knows the numbers are off the chart because of his idiotic take on masks, etc. So sick and tired of the entire cabal of republicans. Truly, they are the spawn of the devil. Christians? Ha! That’s rich!
Crazy ass politicians (Walters) and corrupt ones (Stitt) and dolts (the entire Republican Party save a very few (McBride for one) get elected because the people of OK, particularly in the rural areas, could give a rat’s ass about politics. All you have to do is LIE, tell them what they want to hear, then go to OKC with their hidden agendas and continue to screw the state up (Standridge, prime example). How much better is OK since the cult party took over in ‘06? Answer? Worse, FAR WORSE! Example? OK is THE ONLY STATE to not report COVID deaths. Why? Because Stitt knows the numbers are off the chart because of his idiotic take on masks, etc. So sick and tired of the entire cabal of republicans. Truly, they are the spawn of the devil. Christians? Ha! That’s rich!
Until the evangelicals get out of politics and get over their fears things are going to always be messed up.