If anyone needs further proof that venables has done lasting damage to the OU program, just look at the Division II recruits who are the only ones willing to come to OU. Even with the arrival of John Mateer, where are the top shelf WRs who should be lining up to receive his passes. Also, here's hoping that not all of the outstanding D-line migrates. Plus we need DBs in the worst kind of way. O-line is a given as needing new blood. And RBs? Who is even in charge of that quagmire! Most of us expected to tune in and see the one bright spot in Robinson. What did we get? Way too much of sawchuck. It's all just such a frustrating mess, trying to comprehend what this rag-tag assortment of assistants is doing/thinking. There's still some time left with the portal, and I'm here to tell you that we need all the help we can get!

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venables has to go! And if castiglione won't fire him then he's the one to go. If you can't convert two fourth and one plays, what would make the oft-questioned HC believe they could really score on a three-yard extra point. It was such a simple decision and yet. Today's news that alley left is meh. alley was less than impressive with one of the best groups of defensive players. This is the perfect opportunity to release venables from the HC job, hire a new REAL HC, and move venables and his ridiculous salary to DC. This guy has destroyed OU football for years to come. If castiglione won't do the deed, then he's the one to fire. Hey, Clay, are you ready to be thru with this mess for awhile?

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The number is two. Two final, don’t want to rehash or waste any additional time on takes from lowering the casket on a dismal 2024 season. The discovery and emergence of Xavier Robinson, a young man I describe as “having the juice, a home run hitter,” only getting 6 carries. And secondly, watching that team play 45 minutes of joyless football. I saw effort, I saw futility and I say the redundancy of the type of play that contributed to our final record. But after the the 1st Qtr., I witnessed a football team that wasn’t having any fun, joy or passion. What my eyes witnessed was a team carrying the burden of failed expectations and inevitable defeat. Thanks for letting me vent. Boomer!

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